Nature Sculptures

age: 6-8 years

grade: k-2nd grade

Lesson Name: Nature Sculptures (aka Temporary Land Art)

General Topic: Art

Environment:  Forest

Lesson Location: hiking trail (spillway trail beginning at lake loading dock near social center)

Lesson Objectives:

·        The learner will observe nature closely using all five senses. 

·        The learner will create a sculpture out of found objects.

·        The learner will notice existing and create new patterns, shapes and colors.

National Core Visual Arts Standards:

·        VA:Re.7.1.2a Perceive and describe aesthetic characteristics of one’s natural world and constructed environments.

·        VA:Cn10.1.3a Develop a work of art based on observations of surroundings.

·        VA:Cr2.3.4a Document, describe, and represent regional constructed environments.

·        VA:Cr2.1.6a Demonstrate openness in trying new ideas, materials, methods, and approaches in making works of art and design.

·        VA:Re.7.1.7a Explain how the method of display, the location, and the experience of an artwork influence how it is perceived and valued.

Lesson Summary:

This lesson focuses on observing surroundings and getting to know the land. Students will work together to create outdoor sculptures using found natural objects in the forest habitat, inspired by artist Andy Goldsworthy’s work.

Background Information

Lesson inspired by artist Andy Goldsworthy

Images from:

The above is not Andy Goldsworthy’s official website, as he does not have one.

Andy Goldsworthy is an artist who creates temporary sculptures from found objects in nature. He begins his creative process by spending time in nature and observing the beauty around him. Goldsworthy wants his work to move, grow and change just as nature does. 

Number of Participants: 10

Necessary Supplies:                                                                           

·                  Twigs, sticks, leaves, rocks, etc. /collected natural items (not living)

·                  Instructor camera

·                  Optional: Cameras/photography devices for students

Safety Consideration and Directions

Possible Risks:

Adverse Weather

Risk Management Plan:

Remind students to stay close to instructors while hiking and to watch their

footing. It is best to walk, not run on trails to reduce chance of tripping/injury.

Instruct when possible at the Hawk Shelter if rainy or uncomfortable weather.


Activity Structure

Engaging Introduction:

Share and discuss Andy Goldsworthy’s work.

Show print out images.

Talk about his process, why he creates (from background information), and the fact that the art we will create is a temporary part of nature.

Activity Description:

In this lesson students will explore the forest and learn to observe nature as artists. Students will collaborate in groups to create a nature sculpture from found items on their hike through the woods. They will think about how nature is alive and moving, leading to the temporary nature of their structure.


Clear and Inclusive Instructions:

·        Start by taking a walk through the woods. 


·        Ask students to notice things around them. What interesting shapes do the trees make? What colors pop out? What different textures are there?


·        At the end of the trail, gather as a group. Students divide into groups of 2-4.


·        Students will create a natural sculpture inspired by objects they saw along the way. They may use any found, already fallen/dead items. It usually works well to start with one object to envision a shape or pattern and collect the materials to continue. 


·        Once students feel their installation piece is complete, the instructor can assist them in taking image(s) to document it. A big part of Goldsworthy’s work is photography because the images will be the only lasting artwork due to changing weather and seasons eventually altering or doing away with the work. 


·        If students finish their installation early, they may check in with other groups and assist. Or they may want to begin a second sculpture.  


Add on /Extension

·        Each student or group gets a device or camera to document their sculpture on their own. 

·        If this is done at the beginning or middle of camp, the instructor can assemble the images for the student to get at the end of camp. 

·        Game to follow the activity:

·        Photo scavenger hunt. Below is a list of scavenger hunt items students could look for and photograph.

·        Make it competitive by making it a race, or giving out prizes for “best image”, “most creative interpretation of prompt”, etc.


Experiential Elements: Students will hike through the woods and interact with found items to create a temporary sculpture.

Incorporated SEL: (See discussion questions below)

Reflection/Debrief Opportunities:

·        When all groups are done have each group share their sculpture.

·        Discuss the process:

·        What inspired you to create this?

·        As you worked, did you notice anything new about the forest?

·        What do you think will affect the work after we leave? (rain, wind, animals)?

Additional Resources (print outs, photos/videos, group game directions, etc.)

Tips for a nature walk (can share with students along the hike)

·        See what natural materials you find as you wander along the way.

·        Look at the colors and shapes of nature.

·        Study patterns and designs.

·        Touch different materials. Compare their texture, weight, and size.

·        Imagine the landscape at another time of day, during another season, or during a rainstorm.

What parts of the landscape might change over time?

What did you learn during your walk?

Did you see something that you’ve never noticed before?

Like Goldsworthy, you might be inspired to make a work of art during your walk. Take a photo to remember it or sketch it in your sketchbook.

Scavenger Hunt List

*I like to keep these prompts open ended to allow for more creativity and variation!

-        A bug landed on a plant

-        Something yellow

-        Mint

-        A specific landmark (add once trail is decided, ex: Mama Oak, Lake Mcbride lookout, Spider Pond)

-        Something shaped like a star

-        Something round and smooth

-        Something rough and bumpy

-        Something green

-        Something alive

-        Something dead

-        An animal track


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Nature Sketchbooks


Nature Masks